Contract Overview

HealthTrust Europe’s framework agreement outlines the service provision for National and International Permanent Recruitment of healthcare workers including options for fixed-term and interim worker options. Our framework has been procured to assist and support the healthcare market in reducing substantive shortages, reliance on agency staff and developing a wider scope of workforce procurement options through us as a provider of choice.

The framework agreement is OJEU compliant, having been publicly procured via a restricted tender procedure to specify and market test a high quality and high value service to the healthcare market. We undertook extensive market research in specifying the terms and services of the agreement to ensure that beneficiaries have access to a robust, well considered, market leading framework agreement to deliver these types of services and benefits

  • NHSE&I approved volume and type discounts 
  • Full coverage of all workers  
  • National and international sourcing 
  • Pricing to drive value  
  • Access to volume and specialist suppliers 
  • Retention, protected  periods and rebates
  • Volume and type discounts 

This framework agreement has the following lot structure:  

National and/or international projects  

  • Recruit doctors, GPs, nurses, care workers and AHP/HSS 
  • Embed ethical recruitment at the heart of your strategy 
  • Competitive ceiling fees with volume discounts 
  • Market leading retention and rebate protections
  • Restrictive covenants to reduce risk of staff being poached 
  • Pastoral care and retention support to add value
  • Recruitment Process Optimisation (RPO) 
  • Recruitment Project Support and Guidance, including

DIRECT AWARD: Beneficiaries can select a capable supplier for each or both Lots through the standard services award process or by identifying capable supply locally to award. This may simply involve a local process of engagement with awarded suppliers to ascertain a shortlist and utilise a supplier that can meet requirements or can be used to support with any supplier renewal requirements.  

FURTHER COMPETITION: Beneficiaries can run further competition to establish a capable supplier for each or both Lots through the competed services award process. This may simply involve a local procurement process, supplier presentations, engagement with HealthTrust Europe or a full mini competition process to suit.  

PHASING PROCESSES: Beneficiaries may consider the utilisation of single or multiple awarded suppliers to fulfil short, medium and long-term requirements via a range of temp-to-perm, fixed-term, national and international recruitment campaigns to maximise overall success. Volume requirements can be phased over a period of up to four years under a call-off contract to support with budget planning, local on-boarding resource and development of the workforce strategy.. 

Contact the HealthTrust Europe  Customer Care team, on 0845 887 5000 or via Alternatively, please contact your Account to log your interest, then the Category Manager will make contact to discuss your requirement.