HealthTrust Europe (HTE) has been marking two of this year’s health and care awareness events, International Nurses’ Day and Mental Health Awareness Week. Both were supported by HTE which is a trusted partner for the NHS and commercial health and care providers.
The theme for this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week (13-19th May) was body image – how we think and feel about our bodies. To coincide with both awareness events, HTE welcomed Jim Chapman, RMN, RNT, MA, PGCert, Head of Department for Mental Health and Learning Disabilities, Birmingham City University as a guest speaker to talk to employees. Jim has worked across Birmingham in a range of in-patient and community-based settings. He now manages a team that trains mental health and learning disabilities nursing students to become part of the future workforce. His talk to HTE members of staff referred to a number of topics from the work of mental health nurses, how body image issues can affect all of us at any age, and mental health in the workplace.
HTE has also been celebrating the work of nurses by marking International Nurses Day. The day was devised to recognise the contribution that nurses and allied health professionals make to people’s lives and is celebrated each year on 12th May, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth.
HTE encouraged members of staff to bring in healthy baked goods, with a prize awarded for the most delicious nutritious snack which was judged to a double ‘chocolate’ vegan brownie Proceeds raised by the sale of the food will be donated to HTE’s charity of 2019 Birmingham MIND. Further donations can be made at HTE’s JustGiving page.
The theme for the 2019 International Nurses Day is Nurses: A voice to lead – Health for All and is marked by health and care providers across the world. Events in the UK included a service in Westminster Abbey, and another at Coventry Cathedral in which one of HTE’s GPO customers, University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust (UHCW) participates.
Associate Vice President for Group Purchasing Organisation, Nanette Grant, said: “We’re delighted to celebrate two important awareness days.
“We support nursing services in the communities we serve by being a solutions partner for health and care providers, helping them to source the best value products and services to deliver high quality patient care.”