Contract Overview
The HealthTrust Europe (HTE) framework agreement for the supply and delivery of Digital Hybrid Mail Solutions has been created to deliver the most cost effective and straightforward solutions for your mail requirements. It offers a simple and compliant route to market for the procurement of a range of mail services at competitive rates. The appointed suppliers within the framework have proven supply capability and the expertise to assist their customers through the digital and hybrid mail process.
The structure is designed to simplify purchasing processes and allow easy identification of the most suitable suppliers for your requirements. It incorporates innovative technological solutions alongside traditional materials and methods of mail communications. The framework agreement seeks to satisfy the requirements of Public Sector Contracting Authorities to procure digital hybrid mail solutions, via a preferred Direct Award process. It also provides a facility to procure bespoke hybrid mail solutions through appropriate benchmarking or further competition procedures, where applicable, for single beneficiaries or for those organisations looking to share services across several beneficiaries.
- Free to access: There is no fee for access to competitive pricing. HTE will perform a spend analysis to identify any saving opportunity.
- Compliant route to market: The framework will save procurement time and costs. It is fully compliant with the public contracts regulations and with EU Procurement Directives so you do not have to carry out a full EU compliant tender yourself.
- Access to market leading suppliers: The majority of leading brands are available through the framework.
- Product coverage: The framework also offers an extensive range of product coverage of a supplier’s product portfolio, giving you access to a vast range of products
- Consolidation: The framework provides the incentive for customers to consolidate their requirement with one supplier
- Reduced costs: The framework offers customers the opportunity to reduce
The Framework Agreement will offer the below services as a minimum.
- Printing, personalisation, folding and enclosing of documents, including bulk and small repetitive or nonrepetitive print
- Prints with or without inserts
- Adhoc printing per cost centre level
- Online system that enables customers to send all documents for printing directly from their computer or device
- Transformation of digital data into physical mail pieces at distributed print and mailing centres
- Sortation of postal data to select the most economically advantageous delivery route
- Bulk e-mail services
- SMS Texting Services
- E-communication
- Mailing, postage tracking and tracing services
- Advice and expertise on development of communications strategy and mailing process
- Management of returned mail
HTE’s framework agreement for the supply of Digital Hybrid Mail Solutions may be utilised by all public sector bodies and any similar private sector organisations in the UK, which includes:
- Central Government departments and their executive agencies
- Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs)
- National Health Service (NHS)
- Health boards, NHS Trusts, Community Health Councils and other constituent bodies of the NHS in Wales
- NHS Scotland and its constituent bodies
- Health and Social Care Trusts, Health agencies and other constituent bodies of the NHS in Northern Ireland.
- Local Authorities and Councils
- Police Forces
- Fire and Ambulance Services and other emergency response organisations
- Educational Establishments through to Higher Education providers
- Registered Local Landlords (RSLs)
- Registered Charities
- Devolved and other administrations within the British Isles
- Her Majesty’s Prison Service
- The Ministry of Defence
Please contact us if you are unsure as to whether you can use this agreement. This framework is free to access and easy to use, through either direct award or, if required, a fully managed further competition process