Ultimate Procurement, Complete Control: HealthTrust Europe Launches New Catalog360 Website

HealthTrust Europe has today unveiled a fresh new look for its flagship Catalog360 platform – an innovative, cloud-based e-Procurement tool offering advanced catalogue searching whilst giving users full control on spending across all business units and locations.

Catalog360 is a cloud-based system designed to connect providers with market-leading supplier communities, using an on-demand catalogue system. The Catalog360 brand has undergone big changes, with the website being enhanced to showcase what the platform has to offer.

The Catalog360 platform combines a variety of innovative e-Procurement tools to allow organisations to not only access high-quality goods and services, but to also control and manage spending through a smart dashboard that provides users the ability to oversee and control spending across locations and in line with unique budgets.

Catalog360 offers a single purchasing portal for all purchasing needs, and even centralises all active contracts in one easy to access place; shifting to a paperless system is made easier than ever, and the cloud storage system means users can have full confidence in the security of documentation. Furthermore, the digital system offers a search tool, allowing users to identify quickly and easily the goods and services they need in a completely transparent way – users can also be assured that they are accessing only the best value products using the price comparison tool.

The Content Management Services embedded within Catalog360 are centrally managed and continually updated, removing the need for individual organisations to have to contact suppliers for updates. This significantly enhances efficiency at all levels, generating huge time savings for both suppliers and organisations, whilst making it even easier to get the right answers when you need them. Offering a compliant route to market for thousands of contracts where required, including PEPPOL Integration, users are guaranteed to purchase using only verified routes to market.

HealthTrust Europe has designed the platform for both private and public healthcare providers with purchasing needs, the platform is multi-faceted and can also be utilised by private equity firms and other organisations that require a central, compliant and secure portfolio of goods and services.

With more than 300,000 products that are vendor supplied, validated and cleansed, as well as access to contracts that are clinically led and checked for quality, safety, service and price, Catalog360 is at the cutting-edge of procurement.

If you are interested in becoming a Catalog360 member, or if you would like to learn more about our innovative platform, contact our dedicated customer care team via 0845 887 5000 or customercare@htepg.com, or visit the Catalog360 website.