HealthTrust Europe Launches Latest Framework to Support National and International Permanent Recruitment of Healthcare Professionals

HealthTrust Europe has launched the first two lots of Total Workforce Solutions 2 (TWS II) to support health and social care organisations in their approach to sustainable long-term national and international recruitment of doctors, nurses and wider healthcare professionals. The National and International Permanent Recruitment (NIPR) Agreements have been designed to help target key national policy objectives including reducing agency spend, supporting the NHS People Plan and the placement of 50,000 nurse roles into the NHS.

Over the past few months, the COVID-19 pandemic has had an undeniable impact on the health and social care sector, which is now also facing an uncertain future for its workforce in light of Brexit and the UK’s new immigration rules. The NIPR Agreements can help to improve the quality of patient care and health outcomes by addressing shortages in healthcare professionals, providing innovative contract solutions and ensuring a strong return on investment for providers. Lot 1b of the Agreement is an Approved Framework of NHSE&I for International Recruitment, HealthTrust Europe is working closely with the health regulator to establish effective sourcing strategies to support workforce programmes.

Safeguarding National and International Recruitment

Given the threat of a second wave of coronavirus and the uncertainties posed to the health and social care sector by the end to the transition period for Brexit, it is essential to build robust workforce supply chains and develop contingency plans to mitigate any negative effects to healthcare outcomes in the UK.

The new Framework has been developed to ensure that all recruitment efforts are bolstered, including national recruitment to support Bank, Fixed Term and Substantive Campaigns, and international recruitment of Healthcare Professionals from EEA/non-EEA. Staff Groups covered in the Framework are not just limited to Nurses, but also include key workers such as Doctors, GPs, Healthcare Assistants, AHP and HSS workers.

As the UK continues to open back up, there is likely to be a backlog of quality candidates that had applications held up during the pandemic. HealthTrust Europe can help to get contracts in place quickly and efficiently to support provider efforts in order to build a pipeline that helps to get people back to work. The NIPR Agreements will also allow for the development of streamlined local and regional approaches to workforces planning, delivering optimal outcomes for health systems across the UK through PCN, STP and ICS engagement.

Benefits of the NIPR Agreements

At HealthTrust Europe, we pride ourselves on delivering an exceptional service with high quality, tailored solutions for all of our customers and suppliers. We can support partners in appraising options and getting robust contracts in place with the knowledge and expertise to maximise quick wins whilst ensuring value for money long term.

Our new NIPR Agreements can help to deliver a range of benefits for our customers looking to safeguard their workforces, including:

  • Protection with ethical sourcing, rebates and restrictive covenants
  • Assurance with robust technical capability vetting through the Tender
  • Access to a range of high volume, niche and specialist suppliers for all needs
  • Robust contract terms, templates and KPIs to performance manage
  • Traditional campaign options from established source countries such as the Philippines, India, UAE and Ireland, as well as emerging sources
  • Opportunities to innovate with collaborative options, recruit to Bank, RPO and workforce consultancy as newer options within scope
  • Partnership to develop a coherent procurement plan that delivers the workforce strategy for the substantive, bank and agency workforce needs of each organisation.

Who can use Total Workforce Solutions II and the NIPR Agreements?

The Framework is free to access for all public sector organisations across all regions of the United Kingdom. HealthTrust Europe is a national provider committed to supporting providers to achieve successful outcomes in the procurement of workforce.

For further information on the NIPR Agreements, or for those interested in learning more about engaging with NHSE&I, please get in touch via phone on 0845 887 5000 or via email on