HealthTrust Europe Staff Exceed Annual Charity Target for Alzheimer’s Society by Thousands

Employees at HealthTrust Europe have raised an impressive £7,375 for 2020 annual chosen charity Alzheimer’s Society – exceeding the £5,000 target set out at the start of last year.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, employees were unable to fundraise using traditional methods such as dress down office days or taking part in half marathons. Instead, they devised a variety of creative but safe activities to raise money whilst working from home.

Activities that were undertaken throughout 2020 included virtual bingo, quizzes, Christmas raffles and ‘Challenge Thursdays’, which entailed staff members being nominated to complete viral Tik Tok challenges which were recorded and shared internally for all colleagues to enjoy.

In the absence of the fun runs and obstacle courses that staff would normally sign up for, the team designed their version of “Jog on Dementia” in August. Colleagues formed small teams and set weekly running targets, encouraging healthy competition. Participants ran a whopping 1,167 miles and raised almost £900, with the winning team running an impressive 300 miles!

Ian Hadridge, HealthTrust Europe’s Vice President, also “Braved the Shave”, agreeing to shave off his hair during the company’s Halloween celebrations. This was live streamed to colleagues and raised more than £700.

Dale Robinson, HealthTrust Europe’s Chief Operating Officer, said:

“I am blown away by the dedication of our staff members this year. The amount of money that has been raised for this incredible charity, despite the challenging circumstances that everyone has faced during this pandemic, shows the astounding kindness of our colleagues and their family and friends in support of this important cause.”

“At HealthTrust Europe we always say that we are committed to the care and improvement of human life. Everyone’s efforts to raise money for Alzheimer’s Society demonstrates just how committed we all are to fulfilling this ambition, and we are thrilled to have exceeded our target amount.”

Ryan Stanley, Community Fundraiser at Alzheimer’s Society, said:

“We are extremely grateful to HealthTrust Europe for their amazing fundraising efforts over what has been a very challenging 12 months. They have truly embraced the virtual fundraising environment we have found ourselves in and we are very impressed with their innovative fundraising ideas such as the weekly TikTok challenges.”

“The funds they have raised will enable us in our fight against Dementia, from our telephone services such as Dementia Connect and our volunteer-led Companion Calls, our ongoing research projects and our continuing work campaigning with local and national government for policy change, we will make sure nobody has to face dementia alone.”

The virtual charity cheque handover for Alzheimer’s Society took place on Wednesday 27th January, when Dale Robinson presented the cheque totalling £7,375 to Ryan Stanley, a community fundraiser from Alzheimer’s Society. Staff now look forward to continuing innovative fundraising for their new 2021 chosen charity, which will be announced shortly.

HealthTrust Europe preparing for Brexit

As the Brexit deadline day approaches and the UK prepares to transition out of the European Union from 1st January 2021, HealthTrust Europe is working to ensure that the best possible care will be delivered for our customers. In order to do this, we are preparing for the possibility of a no-deal Brexit, or a non-comprehensive trade deal.

Our work in assessing and preparing for the impact of Brexit on procurement and supply chains has included:

Assess Supplier Risk Profile and Mitigation Activity

  • Having undertaken an extensive due diligence exercise in 2019, HealthTrust Europe is undertaking a further comprehensive due diligence exercise with its supplier base to assess potential risks to continuity of supply for contracted items, taking into account new suppliers and the impact COVID-19 may have had on any previous Brexit contingency plans.
  • HealthTrust Europe’s contracting teams are currently in the process of assessing suppliers as high, medium, or low risk.
  • For suppliers rated as high or medium risk, contracting teams are working with the supplier community to understand contingency plans and are determining the potential to move products and services to lower risk suppliers.
  • In each of these cases, if necessary, HealthTrust Europe is able to leverage our relationship with our parent company in the USA with strategic suppliers to reduce customer risk.

Manage Legal Risk

  • HealthTrust Europe undertook a review of our standard contract terms and conditions addressing the supplier’s obligations relating to continuity of supply of products and services along with compliance to the new GDPR regulations.
  • The contractual approach that HealthTrust Europe has taken to ensure continuity of supply, and provide contractual protection, consists of the following core elements:
    • Pricing – Efforts are being made to ensure continuity of pricing throughout the key Brexit period by fixing pricing for the term of contracts entered into.
    • Delivery – To protect against late delivery, standard terms require suppliers to deliver in accordance with timescales, dates and instructions set out in any specification, tender response, or order.
    • Delivery Costs – To cover off any increased delivery costs, standard terms state suppliers shall be responsible for all costs associated with delivery.
    • Force Majeure – Brexit has been explicitly excluded as a force majeure event in HealthTrust Europe’s standard terms and conditions from October 2018 onwards, with enforcement of this clause being strict.
    • Regulatory Compliance – In the standard HealthTrust Europe terms, suppliers are required to supply all goods and services in accordance with applicable law. Definition of applicable law is wide and includes regulations; to cover any future changes to laws and regulations introduced post-Brexit.

Ensuring that we are Brexit ready and able to continue supporting our valued customers is our priority at this challenging time. If you or your organisation are concerned about the implications of Brexit or have any questions about what it will mean for you, please get in contact with our dedicated customer care teams on 0845 887 5000 or email at

Our team is on-hand to deal with any customer queries, and we are committed to supporting our customers and partners with solutions to protect staff and patients during these unprecedented times.

Staffing Through the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Total Workforce Solutions Can Support Your Organisation

The Healthcare sector is coming to terms with the reality that a second wave of COVID-19 is upon us. The second wave brings with it new challenges; including the potential compound impact of the second wave during the harsh winter months, the struggle to access vital COVID-19 tests as we continue to see a rise in demand, and most crucially, whether the health service has enough staff to care for the rising number of COVID-19 patients.

In recent weeks, huge staff shortages have been reported across the NHS for a wide range of reasons. A lack of COVID-19 tests for children, for example, is preventing NHS worker parents from going into the workplace as their children are forced to isolate at home and not attend school; mass delays to the immigration Visa system is reportedly preventing ‘hundreds’ of vital staff from overseas taking up roles across the country; and the backlog of health treatments built up during the first wave of the virus has had an unprecedented impact on NHS capacity, resulting in the urgent need for more staff to prevent the backlog from growing even further. These factors, compounded with the obvious challenges of the second wave including staff self-isolation and illness, result in huge uncertainties over the ability of the NHS to maintain adequate staffing capacity.

How can the sector prepare for these challenges?

Earlier this year during the first wave of COVID-19, we expanded our Total Workforce Solutions Framework to support healthcare organisations with staffing throughout the pandemic. Our comprehensive Framework has been designed to further bolster staffing capabilities for our customers, and we are able to offer these solutions to other public and private organisations to support with staffing capacity during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

One of the key changes made to our existing TWS Framework was the shift towards digitalisation and the widened use of video-hosted technology. Video technology has been critical during the first wave of the virus for two main reasons. Firstly, it has allowed the healthcare sector to continue recruiting new staff using secure video conferencing, ensuring the safety of staff and prospective new staff as well as speeding up the recruitment process and enabling more staff to be recruited in the same amount of time. Secondly, video-hosted technology has increased staff capacity through the wider use of virtual wards and consultations. Vital frontline workers now spend less time travelling in between patients, and they are able to undertake appointments anywhere, anytime, meaning staff have increased capacity and experience less stress from high demand.

The amended TWS Framework also includes the introduction of ‘Surge Staffing’ which allows customers in the health sector to access stronger supply chains of agency workers in the face of staff shortages. Agency staff can be sourced quickly and efficiently through our surge solutions, ensuring organisations have a steady flow of high-level agency workers permeating through the sector to tackle staff shortages. Agency staff sourced through surge solutions can be implemented for short, medium or long-term requirements to support with patient care. In these challenging times, we understand that finances are tough, and that is why our surge staffing solutions also ensure that agency workers supplied to your organisation are costed to align with your budgets, so you are always on top of your finances.

How to access the Framework

If your organisation is interested in bolstering your workforce during the second wave of COVID-19 and you want to find out more about how the TWS Framework can support you with the challenges ahead, you can speak to our expert team by emailing Our dedicated customer team is available to deal with any queries regarding staffing and recruitment. We are committed to supporting organisations during these challenging and unprecedented times, ensuring our customers are able to continue providing the best level of patient care at the best possible price.

How could innovative solutions support the private acute healthcare sector throughout the COVID-19 pandemic?

The private acute healthcare sector has faced a number of re-occurring challenges during recent years. An increasing number of patients are seeking surgical treatments such as elective care procedures. There is also the ongoing difficulty of remaining financially competitive in a highly competitive field. To further compound these long-standing challenges, the industry also faces the impending problem of continuing to supply high-level staff across the sector alongside dealing with the wider long-term issues that COVID-19 and Brexit will create. Whilst the NHS seems to have experienced the greatest impact from the COVID-19 pandemic, the reality is that private acute healthcare is also suffering.

Capacity for the private acute healthcare sector has been a growing problem for a number of years. There is an increasing demand for private treatment for surgical procedures and elective care due to postponed NHS treatments, which has resulted in capacity issues for organisations. The potential for reputational damage must also be taken into account. People turning to private healthcare expect a far higher standard of care combined with a quicker service. As private healthcare continues to face increased demand combined with limited capacity, there is a risk that quality of patient care will be affected. This may create a further challenge, as patients may choose not to use the services after all.

There is also growing concern across the private sector regarding how to continue supplying the highly trained staff needed to support private healthcare. COVID-19 has resulted in a far less secure workforce. Staff are faced with complex and ever-changing restrictions and regulations in the workplace that are hindering capacity, whilst illness and self-isolation is reducing availability. Brexit is another factor that poses a significant threat to private healthcare; the uncertainty connected to the future of the immigration system in the UK is causing massive delays in visa approvals for overseas staff, resulting in a reduction of healthcare professionals entering the UK. These factors, combined with existing shortages, means the sector faces a potential staffing crisis.

Private acute healthcare functions within a competitive financial context that is reasonably different to the NHS. Private healthcare providers must maintain their profitability and financial viability, meaning they are constantly seeking ways to gain a financial edge over their competitors. The competitive nature of the sector creates an incentive for less transparency as organisations seek to ensure their competitors are not ‘catching up’ with them. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the problem. With the UK economy reportedly shrinking more than it has done in 65 years, we currently face a disastrous recession that places almost every sector at risk, making it extremely difficult to compete on finances.

The effects of COVID-19 will likely be expansive and long-term, with bleak prospects for many businesses for the next few years. It is inevitable that COVID-19 will negatively impact the private acute healthcare sector, as it will do every section of society. The question we must now ask is: how will the sector resolve the challenges it currently faces in order to prosper?

At HealthTrust Europe, we believe the answer is in innovative solutions for healthcare. Working collaboratively with our suppliers, outsourcing where possible and using smart real-time platforms to source materials and services are approaches which could help the private sector to address some of the current challenges it faces.

If we take the first issue – a rising demand for surgeries and elective care treatments – and examine how we can increase capacity whilst ensuring the right level of care is delivered to patients, the answer lies within outsourcing some of the processes that do not require consultants. For example, histopathology testing and mobile diagnostic imaging are both crucial in the treatment of elective patients. These are services that can be easily outsourced using external suppliers under a trusted and secure framework. By doing so, we relieve some of the demand for consultants in private hospitals and free up their time to perform vital surgeries and procedures. Outsourcing can also result in quicker appointments and results screening, meaning patients receive the quick, high-quality care they expect from private healthcare – protecting the reputation of the sector despite the challenges it faces.

The ability to continue supplying vital staff across the private healthcare sector is likely to be the biggest challenge the sector faces. To ensure a consistent supply of staff, organisations should seek to explore options such as outsourcing and adopting innovative technologies to support quick and efficient recruitment. Earlier this year, we expanded our Total Workforce Solutions Framework to include measures that support private healthcare organisations with staffing needs throughout the pandemic. The Framework now has a primarily digital focus, allowing organisations to make use of secure video-hosted technology which streamlines the recruitment process whilst ensuring the maximum safety of staff. The introduction of ‘Surge Staffing’ solutions has helped bolster staff supply chains by allowing organisations access to an expansive pool of high-level agency workers. Our Workforce Solutions are also cost-controlled, meaning you can select solutions that align to your organisation’s unique financial budgets, ensuring you are always protected on cost.

Remaining financially competitive in the current climate will be also be a significant challenge. However, there are innovative tools that can support private organisations to do so without consuming hours of precious time. In the current context, it is absolutely key to streamline where possible to save staff hours and maximise capacity. HealthTrust Europe recently launched Elite360 – a comprehensive, intuitive, digital platform that allows our customers quick and easy access to a huge range of products and services – as a tool for streamlining procurement. Elite360 enables customers to compare products and services, ensuring they are constantly accessing the best products for the best prices. This allows organisations to be as financially competitive as possible whilst reducing the time spent on research and price comparisons. The platform is easy to use and can enable private organisations to remain competitive, as our suppliers regularly update their services, products and prices, meaning This means our customers can avoid any sudden increases in price and ensure their supply chains are never at risk.

The COVID-19 pandemic will be undeniably difficult for the private health sector. However, innovative tools and systems do exist to support the healthcare sector through the pandemic. If the private healthcare sector is able to utilise the breadth of services available to support with capacity, sourcing, staffing and more during the pandemic they will be in the best possible position to face the demanding time ahead.

HealthTrust Europe launches the Digital Hybrid Mail Solutions Framework

HealthTrust Europe are pleased to announce the launch of its latest Framework, supporting clients with the delivery of cost effective and straightforward solutions for their mail requirements. The latest Framework offers a simple and compliant route to market for the procurement of a range of mail services at competitive market rates – ensuring our customers always get the best value for money.
Not only does our latest framework ensure a strong return on investment, but it also connects our customers to market-leading suppliers. Our suppliers are able to offer a range of innovative strategies as well as the latest technologies, providing customers with a wide range of benefits.

Most importantly, our Digital Hybrid Mail Solutions offer services that enable customers to reduce their carbon usage. The framework agreement focuses on innovation and technological solutions – incorporating email mailings and reminders, SMS texting and wider use of E-communication as well as multi-format publishing. The Digital Hybrid Mail Solutions therefore helps organisations achieve their carbon reduction targets, and it complies with the NHS carbon reduction strategy.

Other services that are offered under the Digital Hybrid Mail Solutions framework include the management of returned mail; mailing, postage tracking and tracing services; the transformation of digital data into physical mail pieces at distributed print and mailing centres; as well as bulk email services amongst much more.

The framework is also designed to allow customers to tailor their own solutions package and design a bespoke product offering to fit their organisation’s needs. Solutions within the framework are able to be purchased separately, so that customers are never paying for a service they do not use. Once signed up to the framework agreement, customers will also be able to regularly order items and services they utilise most often at a set fixed price, meaning there are no cost increases during the agreement period.

As with all HealthTrust Europe frameworks, customers will benefit from having access to our expert team who can guide you through the framework process from start to finish. Customers will also have access to the expert suppliers as part of the framework, who have unmatched experience in supplying goods and services across the full spectrum of the public sector. Our trusted suppliers can offer their guidance and expertise on how specifications and processes can be standardised and rationalised to achieve even further cost and efficiency savings.

If your organisation is interested in accessing our new Digital Hybrid Mail Solutions framework to support you with meeting your mailing needs, you can get in touch with our dedicated customer care team to find out more by emailing or calling on 0845 887 5000. Our expert team is on-hand to deal with any customer queries.

HealthTrust Europe Launches Latest Framework to Support National and International Permanent Recruitment of Healthcare Professionals

HealthTrust Europe has launched the first two lots of Total Workforce Solutions 2 (TWS II) to support health and social care organisations in their approach to sustainable long-term national and international recruitment of doctors, nurses and wider healthcare professionals. The National and International Permanent Recruitment (NIPR) Agreements have been designed to help target key national policy objectives including reducing agency spend, supporting the NHS People Plan and the placement of 50,000 nurse roles into the NHS.

Over the past few months, the COVID-19 pandemic has had an undeniable impact on the health and social care sector, which is now also facing an uncertain future for its workforce in light of Brexit and the UK’s new immigration rules. The NIPR Agreements can help to improve the quality of patient care and health outcomes by addressing shortages in healthcare professionals, providing innovative contract solutions and ensuring a strong return on investment for providers. Lot 1b of the Agreement is an Approved Framework of NHSE&I for International Recruitment, HealthTrust Europe is working closely with the health regulator to establish effective sourcing strategies to support workforce programmes.

Safeguarding National and International Recruitment

Given the threat of a second wave of coronavirus and the uncertainties posed to the health and social care sector by the end to the transition period for Brexit, it is essential to build robust workforce supply chains and develop contingency plans to mitigate any negative effects to healthcare outcomes in the UK.

The new Framework has been developed to ensure that all recruitment efforts are bolstered, including national recruitment to support Bank, Fixed Term and Substantive Campaigns, and international recruitment of Healthcare Professionals from EEA/non-EEA. Staff Groups covered in the Framework are not just limited to Nurses, but also include key workers such as Doctors, GPs, Healthcare Assistants, AHP and HSS workers.

As the UK continues to open back up, there is likely to be a backlog of quality candidates that had applications held up during the pandemic. HealthTrust Europe can help to get contracts in place quickly and efficiently to support provider efforts in order to build a pipeline that helps to get people back to work. The NIPR Agreements will also allow for the development of streamlined local and regional approaches to workforces planning, delivering optimal outcomes for health systems across the UK through PCN, STP and ICS engagement.

Benefits of the NIPR Agreements

At HealthTrust Europe, we pride ourselves on delivering an exceptional service with high quality, tailored solutions for all of our customers and suppliers. We can support partners in appraising options and getting robust contracts in place with the knowledge and expertise to maximise quick wins whilst ensuring value for money long term.

Our new NIPR Agreements can help to deliver a range of benefits for our customers looking to safeguard their workforces, including:

  • Protection with ethical sourcing, rebates and restrictive covenants
  • Assurance with robust technical capability vetting through the Tender
  • Access to a range of high volume, niche and specialist suppliers for all needs
  • Robust contract terms, templates and KPIs to performance manage
  • Traditional campaign options from established source countries such as the Philippines, India, UAE and Ireland, as well as emerging sources
  • Opportunities to innovate with collaborative options, recruit to Bank, RPO and workforce consultancy as newer options within scope
  • Partnership to develop a coherent procurement plan that delivers the workforce strategy for the substantive, bank and agency workforce needs of each organisation.

Who can use Total Workforce Solutions II and the NIPR Agreements?

The Framework is free to access for all public sector organisations across all regions of the United Kingdom. HealthTrust Europe is a national provider committed to supporting providers to achieve successful outcomes in the procurement of workforce.

For further information on the NIPR Agreements, or for those interested in learning more about engaging with NHSE&I, please get in touch via phone on 0845 887 5000 or via email on

HealthTrust Europe unveils innovative new Elite360 platform

HealthTrust Europe today launches the innovative Elite360 platform – a high-tech, reactive and fully comprehensive service to support organisations with all their procurement needs.

The Elite360 platform is a singular space that enables customers to compare and search for all of the products and services HealthTrust Europe has to offer, guaranteeing our customers quality, safety, service and price from leading suppliers on the market. The platform uses pioneering technology to offer an unparalleled customer experience – its easy to use ‘catalogue’ style is supported by a sleek, high-quality system, making procurement simpler and more efficient than ever.

Elite360, powered by catalog360, allows existing HealthTrust Europe customers access to our expansive range of products, frameworks and services at the click of a button. The platform allows customers to compare products based on price and quality, and you can choose to switch contracts or frameworks if you find a better deal – whether it’s a cheaper service, or a better quality product for your organisation.

The platform also has all of your existing contracts, products, frameworks and service agreements securely stored, so that you can easily access your current contracts in one place. Whether you want to compare your existing contracts to new ones, or simply refer back to them in your day to day work, your information is stored in one easy to access, secure area.

The platform is free to access for our existing customers, and it can be easily accessed here. Elite360 is a cloud-based solution that could be used for any business procurement function. To discuss your needs and to utilise this state of the art system in your business please contact to discuss your system requirements.

As with all our services, we are on hand to help you make the switch to a new contract or framework if you choose to do so; our dedicated customer care team is able to guide you through the process and answer any queries you may have along the way.

HealthTrust Europe remain committed to always providing the best service to our customers – ensuring our customers get complete value for money and guaranteeing their patients always receive the highest quality of care possible. We value innovation, and we strive to re-imagine procurement to ensure our customers are on the cutting-edge of the latest healthcare solutions.

If you are interested in finding out more about the new Elite360 platform, please contact our dedicated customer care team via phone 0845 887 5000 or email

HealthTrust Europe Launches Covid-19 Framework – Supporting Organisations During the Pandemic

HealthTrust Europe has launched a new framework to support organisations in their approach to Coronavirus. The latest Covid-19 Testing Equipment, Consumables and Associated Services Framework allows customers access to two distinct Lots within the Covid-19 testing market to help support their organisations throughout the pandemic. The Framework provides access to the highest-quality products on the market, ensuring maximum safety levels.

Lot 1 – Covid-19 Point of Care Testing Equipment and Associated Consumables

Lot 1 allows customers to access market-leading resources to support during the pandemic. Customers have access to a range of testing methods, including rapid diagnostic testing and device-based. Customers will also be able to access consumables products, including test strips and cassettes that can aid organisations with simple, accessible but secure Covid-19 testing. These tests are classified as point of care or near-patient tests.

Lot 2 – Covid-19 Laboratory Testing Equipment, Consumables and Associated Services

Lot 2 covers all equipment, consumables and services which are required for any type of Covid-19 testing within a laboratory setting. This Lot is fully comprehensive and also allows customers access to market-leading suppliers’ equipment, reagents, test kits and associated services in the Covid-19 testing market.

What are the benefits of using a Framework for Covid-19 testing?

The latest framework provides a streamlined solution for all Covid-19 testing needs. The framework agreement is fully compliant with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and EU procurement directives – saving organisations time as they do not have to carry out their own EU compliant tender. The Framework also offers fixed pricing for the duration of the contract, as well as having a no limit policy in place, meaning organisations have unlimited access to the products available via the framework.

Given the nature of Covid-19 and the need for organisations to be receptive and fast-acting, the Framework also includes free next day delivery (on any business day) from the majority of suppliers – allowing organisations rapid access to vital resources.
Finally, HealthTrust Europe’s dedicated customer care team are on hand to support with any issues or queries throughout your contract length, meaning customers can rest assured knowing help is always available. The Covid-19 team is on hand to support you, with a dedicated helpline and department email address so you can access help whenever you need it.

Who can use the Framework?

This Framework has been designed for NHS bodies; Health Boards; NHS Trusts; Community Health Councils; NHS Scotland; Health and Social Care Trusts; Health Agencies and Constituent bodies of NHS Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. If your organisation isn’t included on this list, please get in touch via phone on 0845 887 5000 or via email on

If you are interested in learning more about the Covid-19 Framework, and want to find out how HealthTrust Europe could support your organisation during the pandemic, get in touch via the details listed above to speak to our dedicated customer care team.

HealthTrust Europe launches two new Frameworks to support during Coronavirus and beyond

HealthTrust Europe this week launches two new Frameworks that will help support organisations in their approach to the Coronavirus, as well as into the future. Both new Frameworks allow providers to ensure the utmost safety and cleanliness during the outbreak, maximising the safety of staff and patients. Beyond Coronavirus, the Frameworks aim to promote best practice in Linen & Laundry services and Waste Management in a range of settings, with the ambition of boosting sustainable practices (for example, by reducing carbon in transportation and delivering recycling/reuse opportunities).

Linen & Laundry Services

HealthTrust Europe’s Linen & Laundry (L&L) Framework offers a fully comprehensive, cost-effective and quality controlled linen and laundry service that includes processing (wash and finish), transportation (collection and return) and linen hire. The L&L Framework also covers the hire of essential textiles, including CE marked, reusable barrier Theatre textiles – ensuring healthcare organisations have adequate stock levels of the essential items and guaranteeing all items are fit for purpose as well as the benefits of a fully managed service.

The Framework has been developed for a number of reasons. It provides organisations and providers with market-leading suppliers in the L&L field, offers an express service for quick item turnarounds when needed and customers will also have access to a supply of emergency items upon request. Introducing a comprehensive L&L Framework is also hugely beneficial in terms of encouraging sustainable practices; efficient delivery organisation and transportation management significantly reduces carbon emissions by minimising deliveries of stock, and expert cleaning services and handling of items can extend the lifetime of an item – helping promote recycling and reuse opportunities.

The L&L Framework is launching during the most unprecedented public health crisis for a generation. The Coronavirus has changed the way we look at sharing and exchanging items, and all organisations must be vigilant and rigorous in their day-to-day practice to ensure the safety of patients and their staff. The L&L Framework enables organisations to put in place stringent best practice linen management principles, whilst providing training and information for frontline staff to help tackle and eliminate transmission or contamination of materials.

Total Waste Management

The Total Waste Management Framework covers 5 distinct categories: domestic waste services, clinical waste services, reusable sharps waste services, confidential waste services and total waste management services. Each Lot contains the provision to safely remove, treat, dispose of, and handle specific types of waste across healthcare settings and beyond, enabling safe and effective waste management practices.
The Total Waste Management Framework allows access to market-leading suppliers in waste management, enabling organisations to benefit from expert handling whilst remaining entirely cost-effective and policy compliant. The Framework also supports sustainable principles, helping organisations to reduce their landfill contribution percentages and providing alternatives to waste removal that are more environmentally friendly.

The launch of the Total Waste Management Framework is particularly relevant in the current climate, as the Framework offers comprehensive service provision in waste disposal, maximising the protection of public health. In light of the current Coronavirus pandemic, this has never been so important. Organisations must be even more vigilant in waste disposal to ensure the safety of their staff and the general public throughout the Coronavirus outbreak, and this comprehensive Framework can support organisations in minimising contamination and transmission, contributing to the overall strategy and approach to tackling the virus.

Accessing the Frameworks

If you or your organisation are interested in finding out more about the launch of our two new Frameworks, please get in contact with our dedicated customer care teams on 0845 887 5000 or email at Our team is on-hand to deal with any customer queries at this difficult time, and we are committed to supporting our customers and partners with solutions to protect staff and patients during these unprecedented times.

HealthTrust Europe unveils new Document Storage, Scanning and Related Services Framework

HealthTrust Europe is delighted to release its latest Framework today (Thursday 18th June), adding to its extensive healthcare services offering. The new Document Storage, Scanning and Related Services Framework has been designed to offer a simple and compliant route to market for the procurement of a range of documents and records management services.

As with all of our Frameworks, this latest addition is free to access and offers great flexibility. The framework is divided into 3 distinct Lots to fit to the individual needs of our clients.

Lot 1 – Total Document Storage, Scanning and Digitalisation Solutions

Lot 1 offers a full range of services covering storage, scanning and digitalisation solutions. This Lot also includes Electronic Document Management Systems (EDRMS) software, specifically designed to store and organise large volumes of digital documents. This is particularly essential in the healthcare sector, where patient records must be stored effectively and efficiently in order to be able to access them quickly but also ensure their absolute protection to maximise patient confidentiality.

Cloud solutions are also listed in Lot 1. Cloud storage is fast becoming the most efficient tool for data storage, as it is exceptionally secure, cost-efficient and simple to use, making it accessible for all users. Cloud storage is continuously evolving to be more versatile and effective, and it is fast becoming the ideal tool for data storage in the healthcare sector.

Lot 1 also contains provisions for digital transformation consultation, secure destruction of electronic records alongside other essential document storage and scanning platforms.

Lot 2 – Document Storage, Retrieval and Destruction Services

Lot 2 offers effective document storage, retrieval, and destruction services. Under this Lot, the focus is on document retrieval – a service that is fundamental for accessing specific text records against user queries. Document retrieval systems use a database of documents, a classification algorithm to build a full text index, and a user interface to access the database. For example, classic internet search engines use document retrieval software. In healthcare settings, a distinct database of information can be created, such as for a particular medical condition, and can easily filter user searches using its distinct algorithm.

Document retrieval is an effective tool that allows quick and reliable access to your expansive document library. Document retrieval is a complex system that can be put in place by our trusted, market-leading suppliers to make data accessibility a simple yet extremely effective process.

Lot 3 – Document Scanning, EDRMS, Digitalisation and Related Services

Lot 3 contains many of the provisions from Lots 1 and 2, including Cloud storage and EDRMS. However, it also contains document scanning – a service that is fundamental for the healthcare sector.

Traditionally, patient records, medical data and other such documents have been kept in paper form. This is the case in many healthcare settings, however paper documents can be more easily lost, altered or damaged. Physical documents can also build up and take up physical storage space. With document scanning software, paper documents can be converted into digital images. These digital images can be stored online, where they are secure, better organised and easy to access. This will help support towards the NHS Long Term Plan to move away from physical documents to digitalisation.

Why adopt this Framework?

The latest Framework provides extensive yet simple document storage, scanning and other related services. Our Framework opens up access to market-leading suppliers in the field, offering a package of services that can be tailored to your organisation’s needs.

The Framework is fully compliant in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations and therefore offers the best route to market for accessing related resources. HealthTrust Europe are also on-hand to support throughout the duration of the contract – meaning our customers have access to a dedicated team of experts who ensure an effective and efficient transition toward adopting new software.

To learn more about our latest Framework and how we can support your documentation needs, contact our dedicated customer care team who can assist you with any queries.

To download the framework brief click here.